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Monday, May 23, 2011

My favourite subject!!!!!

Well today I´m going to write abot my favourite subject :)
Choosing between all my subjects ir´s a bit difficult because I love a lot of them.
But I think that the most has called my atention is histology :) ( but rather than histology I love the embryology part).
This subject explain and shows all the tissues of the organism. Also learns about the epithelial that cover all the walls of the body.
That parts is abot histology but embriology shows you all the development of the human since you are a cell ( well egg and esperm xD) and It´s really amazing see all the processes through which you should go before the birth ^^
The mains reasons why I choose this subject is because I find fascinating everything related to the develpment of living things. It doesn´t matter if are human or animals. Is incredible to have the power to know as they formed, the processes that had to happen to that we could become what we are today. All the interactions that took place between the cells. Think about that is the beginning of life is fantastic ^^.
The other reason is because I think it is the basis for what I want to do in the future. I think that it would be nice to work reviewing animals before delivery or recieve newborn animals.
Be able to help promote life is something that I really will  love to do :)

Babylon 9

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Diego Encala C.

He`s  my best friend. He`s 19 years old and studies Medicine in the University of Valparaiso.
I know him since I was six years. We studied at the same school. He hasn`t discover nothig util now but I belive he will in the future :)
He`s really responsible and working person, and helps all the people that need it.
He`s very important in my life because he always give me his support.
Also he was there when I need him. He`s like my brother and I can imagine I life without him. We pass our childhood  together and I live with him my best life experiences.
There`re a lot of things that I like of him. Frist the determination and effort that he put in all the things that he do.
Also his capacity to do a lot of things at the same time ( and do it fine) xD
And the most important he has always time to talk to me and to stay with me when I need him.
I never change him for another person and I really thankful with his friendship. :D

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My career :)

Me second post!!!! wiiii!!!!
This time I`m going to explain you why I choose veterinary like my future career.
Well I really love animals sice ever and I alway know that I want to work with them in the future. At first I was a little scared because Valparaìso my  hometown don `t have tradicional universities with this career so it was necesary for me move to my home and that was not easy.
Finally I decide study at Universdad de Chile  in Santiago because is near of Valparaiso and  have a lot of  good recomendations.
I always love science at school so when I started my first semester I feel comfortable.
At second semester I started the "real" subjects about the career and since that moment I realize that this was exactly what I want to do with my life :)
I LOVE  studies, the university and my classmates  All is amazing!!!!!!
I don`t know yet in what area I will work in the future because there are a lot xD. Maybe in surgeries, or ecology.... but also I love investigations and I want to teach at the University ><!!!!! I want to do a lot of things xD.
Independent of the area I will try to do my best ever to help animals, people and nature :).

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The best creature in the world ( except for rabbits): ME!

Well this is my first time writing in a blog. I`m very exited about this because I love to do new things. I will try to write interesting thinks and also I will try to give you a moment of fun ;).
The fist that you have to kwon about me is that I love the sky and birds also all related with animals and nature.
Actually I`m studying veterinary at Universidad de Chile.
I do a lot of things in my free time but I have a reduced free time ( if you want to study veterinary you will spend a lot of time studyind xD), first in my list is..... ( chan chan chan) reading ( if you laught abot it I will kill you), also I write, watch tv, use the computer, and recently play the violin.
MMMM.... in this moment I`m not very interested in writing a lot of things so....that´s all.
ENJOY MY WONDERLAND!!!!!!!!!!! ^^.